Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Mima (Grandma Julie) is in town!

She arrived just in time to attend an event at Sasha's school, "Grandfriend's Day." All the kids had their grandparents or a special friend visit the school and watch them work in the classroom. Sasha was so happy to have her Mima with her!

Below are pictures from various places: at Sasha's school, at the Ruhes, and hanging around the house.

There are a series of little books called "Bob Books," with short words and simple stories. We just got her one and it's been a source of pride for her to read an entire book by herself!

Colin and Britt hold beautiful, simple, and creative virtues classes for children at their home:

James in the lab-

Looking through his microscope to position a special drill on the stalagmite. The drill cuts into the stalagmite in small sections, leaving behind dust - samples of the stalagmite.

This dust gets collected into a tiny container, and sent to another lab, the results of which he analyzes for hurricane signature:

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