Sunday, June 15, 2008

The Marders and the Cadiks

Barry and Kathy came to Houston for the weekend! We went to the Museum of Natural Science, out to dinner, hung out at James' aunt Adrienne's house, and had a really wonderful time with everyone. It was so good to see them, as well as spend more time with Adrienne and Jan.
We took lots of pictures, of course.

Dinner at Adrienne and Jan's:

The Museum of Natural Science had a living butterfly exhibit:

Enjoying the pool at the Cadik's:

Sasha is learning to float on her back:

Walking to the playground:

Father's Day breakfast:

Funny father's day gift. For those who don't know, James met Barry just before we got married, and so they joke a lot about doing things now that fathers do with their sons when they're little.
I made James this t-shirt with Sasha's footprints about a year ago. Barry never got one of those baby footprint gifts from James, so we made him one! - Better late than never!

Talking to James' cousin Emily:


Julie McKinney said...

Barry's t-shirt is just the best - sooo funny!

gypsy said...

omg I cannot stop laughing at the t-shirt thing!!!