Friday, March 6, 2009

Sasha can tie shoes!

Thank you grandma for the beautiful scarf that you made! It's beautiful and Sasha loves it! Here's a pic with her wearing it.

She learned to tie shoes today! It began when she was two. Every time there was tying involved, she wanted to have a try. After creating some nice, big tangles, we would ask if we could have a turn, and that was that. But she never gave up. It seemed like her hands would never be able to hold the strings correctly at age two. But because of her persistence we decided to show her how it was done. Yesterday it looked like she just might be able to do it, and today she offered to help daddy tie his shoes. Check out the video! (link on right)


Julie McKinney said...

Tying shoes is an enormous accomplishment. It means controlling the separate movement of fingers. Hmmmm maybe she's ready to play piano! Just kidding, Aria.

Sasha McKinney said...

That's the plan once we move to Houston. James' aunt is giving us her piano! We'll see if Sasha enjoys learning to play, otherwise, I'll certainly take advantage of having a piano again! It's been so long since I've played...

Julie McKinney said...

Your comment about returning to the piano put a huge smile on my face!