Saturday, January 12, 2008

Remover of the tookies (remover of difficulties)

Sasha is getting more and more into her imaginary play. The past several nights after her bath, she goes into her room and puts one of her stuffed animals to sleep. I captured her saying prayers to herself before going to (pretend) sleep.

Before bed she has a routine of reading 4 books with James. (The last video is of her "reading" one by herself). In the video below, she starts counting to 4, but instead of saying 4 books, she says she's going to say 4 prayers. So cute:

We love how she tries to say "Is there any remover of difficulties":

And here she is reading one of her favorite books "Are You My Mother?"


Goal said...

3 letras......OMG!!!!

Sofia said...

Too cute! You're doing a great job with her.


Familia Garcia Stewart said...

Que ternura!
Es increíble como el ser humano tiene una atracción natural hacia lo divino y todas sus manifestaciones como la música y la literatura.
He observado que en esta edad los niños están ansiosos por conocer el mundo y volverse independientes.

Muchas felicitaciones por los logros de Sashita...
Muchos abrazos.

gypsy said...

ooh myyy gooodness what a bundle of cuteness she is!!!!!!
i love her spanish prayer how she says it in the singing form (repeating the last verse a couple of times) and how clearly she speaks and prays...