Monday, March 1, 2010

New Blog!

I had trouble logging in to the new blog, so I had to create an even NEWER BLOG!!

Previous blog:

I've reached the quota for this blog. Our new blog is here

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Mima visits!

My Mom was here for a very short visit. She left this morning and we really miss her. : (
Here are some pictures from before and during her visit:

These are from her last night with us when we had some friends over for dinner. I took several pictures of she and Sasha and am posting them all here so Mima can choose which ones she wants to copy:

Sasha playing with a neat toy given to her on her birthday: Pop Beads.

She can make all kinds of cool things with them:

Showing off her butterfly that we painted on at the children's museum:

Helping out in the kitchen:

Our friends Jane and Brad, and their grandson, Federico came over for dinner:

James made chicken roulades stuffed with spinach, basil, feta, and sun-dried tomatoes!

Sitting down for Mima's candle-lit birthday dinner. James made delicious meals every night. On this night he made broiled Arctic Char with tomatoes (which had been marinated in red wine vinegar and brown sugar), and a basil oil sauce spread on top, served with rice and salad!

Sasha gave Mima her room and slept in our room:

We took Mima out to dinner and then to the theatre for her birthday (on the night before her birthday).

Jane and Brad joined us, as well as another friend of my mom's, Michael. We had a lovely dinner and apparently it was an amazing Musical (called Wonderland).

On another day we had a picnic:

Sasha preferred to have one on the ground:

My mom had a typical Costa Rican dress made for Sasha. It was so beautiful!

Before Mima arrived, Sasha made her this birthday present: a woven picture frame!

These last few are from a trip to the zoo:

Monday, December 28, 2009

New Mexico

We were in New Mexico for about ten days and had a wonderful time!

We visited with friends:

Kathy and Hector:

Their son Tristan with Sasha:

Stephen, Neda, and their daughter Sophia:

Caroline and Patrick, though I only got a picture of their beautiful daughters:

And of course, the family:

The Pyburns:

The Los Alamos extended Pyburn family, (this is Pat's step-mother, sisters, kids, and nieces)

The McKinney-Caldwell family:

We took Sasha roller-skating:



Up to a snowy crest: (James is showing us ocean fossils at the top of this mountain!!)

The Children's Museum:

These were taken before we left:

Sasha and James building a cabinet for Sasha's thousands of books!

Ice-skating in Houston!

Sasha wanted to help me with the laundry, so I asked her if she could put the clothes in the dryer. She couldn't reach all the clothes, and this is what I found when I checked on her:

We had an amazing time in New Mexico, and Patti and Pat fixed up our room so beautifully. Thank you!!