James drove our car from Houston to Amherst, and Sasha and I flew. Colin and Britt took us in and made us feel so welcomed back in MA. It was a nice transition time after the hectic move from Houston and before the hectic move into Boston. They took care of Sasha for an entire day while we took all our stuff out of storage and brought it to our apartment - SUCH a great help since it takes so much longer to do even the simplest of things with her! :)
They're also letting us store half of our stuff in their basement. It wouldn't have fit here with us, and we would have had to pay to store it anywhere else. James and I are VERY grateful.
Before we returned our truck, we still had some things that we wanted to get rid of - furniture that we didn't want to throw away but we couldn't leave at a goodwill store because they were all closed over the weekend. So, feeling worried that we wouldn't be able to get rid of it, we pulled up to a student apartment complex and lay all our stuff out on the yard. As soon as I put up the "FREE STUFF" sign and before we finished emptying the truck, there were swarms of people hauling stuff away.
They were all so surprised that we were giving it away, and we were so thankful to be getting rid of it! So it all worked out perfectly.
I've taken lots of pictures since the last time I posted. There are pictures from before we left: our last visit with Sonja and her family, and our last dinner with Adrienne and Jan. There are pictures of our hike up Mt.Monadnock, of a swim in a river in Amherst, (and Colin jumping off a tree into it!), and of a visit to the zoo. The last one is of a dinner that Christine, James' mentor at Exxon, invited us to. Her neighbors came as well as some other Exxon employees.
Once we're settled in a bit more, I'll try to post more regularly again.
By the way, our new address (until June 09) is:
308 Homer St.
Newton, MA 02459